Finally after many design changes, additions, hypothesis's and theories, I have finally successfully molded my Zoom Brush Hog replica I call the "Delta Hog". I was so happy to see the worm fully formed as I opened that mold for the first time. This is truly my first attempt using the injection molding process, as well as my personally designed and built hand injector and two piece aluminum mold.
If you have been following or read my very last post, I redesigned my hand injector to this current version (pics below). It is a basically the same design, just a little bit smaller, and with a different tip, thanks to some advice from a couple of members from the forums. I still believe there can be some tweaking in this area as my design worked but was not that easy. I probably need to design a tip and sprue to be universal and I will probably increase the runner a small amount, as well as make the hole in the nozzle of the injector to match the runner.
Overall, I am happy with the outcome, I cant wait to try them out in the delta ASAP. I will be sending some out to friends and family in different parts of the country to see how they work for them, as soon as I get some more colorants and inject some more. I am currently shopping around for colorants and glitter and possibly some scents, so, if you have a trusted source, that has the best prices, please let me know here.
Now, to the good stuff, the pictures.
The new hand injector.
The new Delta Hog 2 piece injection mold in 6061 aluminum.
The result
Up close
The recipe I started with:
150 ml MF plastisol
10 drop root beer colorant
5 drops green colorant
red flake
gold flake
For the hog in the back, I added 6 more drops of green colorant, turned out pretty good I thought.
Thanks again to my friends and family for thoughts and advice given to help me out.
Next up..... The 6" Senko.
Final product looks awesome..Cant wait to try them out this winter on these frozen lakes (finger) ..Out there they prolly never freeze.. but good job look dam professional there